Gifting disasters 101 – A strong deodorant from a discount perfume shop and more!

What is gifting disaster 101? A basic introduction to some gifts that could turn out to be disasters! In short, we’ll help you understand some basic tips & etiquettes to master the art of gifting, read on.

You might not mean any harm, but gifting someone a strong deodorant you bought from a discount perfume shop just because “you were running late” is very rude. So let’s first show you what are the common reasons why people don’t like your gifts.

Gifting disasters happen when……

– You’re not familiar with the person’s choices

– Your gifting values aren’t the same. For them, gifts are important, for you maybe not.

– You come from different financial & social backgrounds

What is a bad idea for gifting?

– Strong deodorant/perfume: If you’re a boy on a budget gifting your girlfriend or the other way round, this does not say “I love you” at all. It rather hints at “I’m broke” or “you stink” which is very rude indeed.

– Anything re-gifted: Unused gifts are a big “ouch”. And it feels pathetic when an unused gift reaches back to you.

– Pets: A pet is like a baby who deserves care. Pets are literally an addition to your family, not a fancy accessory. So would you be comfortable if someone just got you a cute little furball? Definitely not! Gifting a pet only works when you know this person inside out and would want to take care of it together.

– Ugly clothes: Let’s face it, nobody wants to look like a clown. That’s the reason why there’s always a set of some very ugly clothes that we never wear. You don’t want to add to this disastrous edition, do you? Hence, no gifting clothes. But if you want to gift food, read our suggestion below.

– Food items: Some people love food, some couldn’t care less. People have their own perception of food and love different tastes like sweet, savoury, hot, etc. Oh, and there’s that bunch of sensitive folk who get allergies from certain foods. Gifting food is very risky. It could spoil or just not meet the other person’s liking. But if you want to gift food, read our suggestion below.

– A boring advice book: Gifting an advice book isn’t just boring, but also a very touchy subject. For instance, if you’re gifting a book on the power of positive thinking you’re indirectly telling the other person they’re negative. It leaves a lot of room for misunderstandings.

– Shoes: Unless you’re a husband who is gifting his wife her favourite Louis Vuitton, don’t do it! Shoes are a big teller about a person’s personality, which is why people prefer to buy shoes themselves. There are so many things that can go wrong, i.e. the type, size, colour, material, the message you’re conveying, etc.

Etiquettes of gifting:

– Be careful to not hurt the persons’ personal choices, values & beliefs

– Don’t be rude

– Don’t gift something with the expectation of receiving an equally expensive one

How to pick a perfect gift?

Ask yourself these questions to nail that perfect gift.

– What are their interests?

A gift is likeable if it matches the person’s interests like sports, culinary, travel, lifestyle, etc.

– What kind of person are they?

Gifting is a very personal and subjective aspect. Knowing if the person is materialistic, artsy, picky or laid back can help you a lot.

– Does this make sense?

Just because the other person is artsy, doesn’t mean you gift a wall hanging! Their house is probably filled withartefacts & souvenirs. So think different, that’ll make sense.

– Is this their taste, size & colour?

If you’re gifting clothes, perfumes or food you’re walking a fine line between a great gift and a gifting disaster.

Please note if you’re gifting:

  1. Perfume: It’s not necessary that you choose from common, popular perfume brands( just needs to smell subtle, classy and as per the other person’s likings.


  1. Food: You could cook them one of their favorite meals or buy something from their favourite place. Make sure you know their food choices & allergies.


  1. Clothes: Know the other person’s dressing sense, complexion, favourite colours, materials that they like,  materials that suit their skin type, size, etc.

Also, a good gift is not necessarily an item, it could be an experience. If you do choose to gift someone tickets to their favourite game, a holiday in the Bahamas or a fancy dinner know that it could be an amazing gift or an over-ambitious one. After all, it is the intention that matters and not the price tag.

So, all the best with shopping gifts! Now you know better.

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