Gifting disasters 101 – A strong deodorant from a discount perfume shop and more!

What is gifting disaster 101? A basic introduction to some gifts that could turn out to be disasters! In short, we’ll help you understand some basic tips & etiquettes to master the art of gifting, read on.

You might not mean any harm, but gifting someone a strong deodorant you bought from a discount perfume shop just because “you were running late” is very rude. So let’s first show you what are the common reasons why people don’t like your gifts.

Gifting disasters happen when……

– You’re not familiar with the person’s choices

– Your gifting values aren’t the same. For them, gifts are important, for you maybe not.

– You come from different financial & social backgrounds

What is a bad idea for gifting?

– Strong deodorant/perfume: If you’re a boy on a budget gifting your girlfriend or the other way round, this does not say “I love you” at all. It rather hints at “I’m broke” or “you stink” which is very rude indeed.

– Anything re-gifted: Unused gifts are a big “ouch”. And it feels pathetic when an unused gift reaches back to you.

– Pets: A pet is like a baby who deserves care. Pets are literally an addition to your family, not a fancy accessory. So would you be comfortable if someone just got you a cute little furball? Definitely not! Gifting a pet only works when you know this person inside out and would want to take care of it together.

– Ugly clothes: Let’s face it, nobody wants to look like a clown. That’s the reason why there’s always a set of some very ugly clothes that we never wear. You don’t want to add to this disastrous edition, do you? Hence, no gifting clothes. But if you want to gift food, read our suggestion below.

– Food items: Some people love food, some couldn’t care less. People have their own perception of food and love different tastes like sweet, savoury, hot, etc. Oh, and there’s that bunch of sensitive folk who get allergies from certain foods. Gifting food is very risky. It could spoil or just not meet the other person’s liking. But if you want to gift food, read our suggestion below.

– A boring advice book: Gifting an advice book isn’t just boring, but also a very touchy subject. For instance, if you’re gifting a book on the power of positive thinking you’re indirectly telling the other person they’re negative. It leaves a lot of room for misunderstandings.

– Shoes: Unless you’re a husband who is gifting his wife her favourite Louis Vuitton, don’t do it! Shoes are a big teller about a person’s personality, which is why people prefer to buy shoes themselves. There are so many things that can go wrong, i.e. the type, size, colour, material, the message you’re conveying, etc.

Etiquettes of gifting:

– Be careful to not hurt the persons’ personal choices, values & beliefs

– Don’t be rude

– Don’t gift something with the expectation of receiving an equally expensive one

How to pick a perfect gift?

Ask yourself these questions to nail that perfect gift.

– What are their interests?

A gift is likeable if it matches the person’s interests like sports, culinary, travel, lifestyle, etc.

– What kind of person are they?

Gifting is a very personal and subjective aspect. Knowing if the person is materialistic, artsy, picky or laid back can help you a lot.

– Does this make sense?

Just because the other person is artsy, doesn’t mean you gift a wall hanging! Their house is probably filled withartefacts & souvenirs. So think different, that’ll make sense.

– Is this their taste, size & colour?

If you’re gifting clothes, perfumes or food you’re walking a fine line between a great gift and a gifting disaster.

Please note if you’re gifting:

  1. Perfume: It’s not necessary that you choose from common, popular perfume brands( just needs to smell subtle, classy and as per the other person’s likings.


  1. Food: You could cook them one of their favorite meals or buy something from their favourite place. Make sure you know their food choices & allergies.


  1. Clothes: Know the other person’s dressing sense, complexion, favourite colours, materials that they like,  materials that suit their skin type, size, etc.

Also, a good gift is not necessarily an item, it could be an experience. If you do choose to gift someone tickets to their favourite game, a holiday in the Bahamas or a fancy dinner know that it could be an amazing gift or an over-ambitious one. After all, it is the intention that matters and not the price tag.

So, all the best with shopping gifts! Now you know better.

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12 things women hate about men, not using deodorant sprays is No.1

Men and women have a love-hate relationship, but let’s face it, there are always some things

about the opposite sex that we can’t live without. When men consider themselves to be very

basic, women, on the other hand, are covered in layers. From not using the deodorant spray to

narcissism, a woman’s list of things that she dislikes is pretty exhausting. Honestly, it’s never-

ending. We’ve listed some deal breakers, that women find unacceptable about men.

So if you’re a ‘Woman Repeller’, you might definitely be doing something that women dislike.

Learn more about it.


  1. Not spraying deodorant or a nice perfume: Science says that women have a unique sense of

smell than men, which also helps her choose her life partners. So if you have any intentions of

having a better half, stop driving women away with your stench. If you want a shot at smelling

good, check out some men’s deodorant combo offers here. (

Lyla Blanc has deodorant combo offers for boys on a budget as well as some very lavish

perfumes for the big spender.

  1. Bad Hair: You can’t blame your genes for not having good hair, at the end maintenance is

your duty. Women can’t understand why men can’t shampoo their hair and take a minute out

to comb! Men with greasy, uncombed messy hair screams “unorganized” to women. Also,

those men who try covering a receding hairline seem unlikable. You don’t need to have hair like

a 15-year-old Justin Beiber, even a clean sexy Vin Diesel look will do. Just keep it neat.

  1. Grooming: The cave man look might’ve worked well in the stone age, but never will in this

century. Please take some tips from your Metrosexual fellows!

  1. Long dirty nails: Imagine you met an attractive woman in your office IT park and got talking,

then out of manners you extend a handshake. The woman instantly notices your dirty, filthy,

germ-infested, long nails! So it’s a “good bye” even before you get a handshake. Remember,

hand hygiene is key to your social life & health.

  1. Smelly feet: You know you can’t keep your shoes on all the time for a date night. If you have

smelly feet, a woman will never call you home! Let aside, making a home with you. So invest in

good shoes & maintain foot-hygiene.

  1. Dirty clothes: Clothes that have sweat stains, perfume patches, oil stains or just smell terribly

damp are torture for women. If a woman is staring at you, it’s possibly because she’s thinking of

throwing your shirt into a washing machine. So don’t misinterpret.

  1. Rough skin: Women are soft creatures with supple skin that feels like silk. So when her arm

accidentally rubs against yours on the metro, your sandpaper skin will irritate her. Sometimes,

even extra greasy skin is a problem. It’s wise to use easily absorbable moisturizers that keep the

skin soft enough & dry.

  1. Excessive body hair: We know mankind actually descended from apes, you don’t need to

prove it time & again. Excessive hair on the arms, legs, back & other areas is indeed pretty

disgusting in general. Even the hair that can be seen on your ears & nose are pretty gross to


You don’t necessarily need to look like a baby, just use a trimmer and some hair removal


  1. Yellow / dirty teeth: Smile, please! Ok, don’t if you have yellow or dirty teeth, especially in

front of women. Don’t flash that not at all charming smile or some woman will tell you to go

floss or brush!

  1. Dirty ears: Dirty ears are another level of unhygiene. Seriously. Women, in fact, anyone will

cringe at the sight of dirty wax-filled ears. But on the plus side, dirty ears explain why men don’t

hear half the stuff women speak. Short attention span is an old excuse.

  1. Cigarette smell or bad breath: When a woman is looking at you with disgust, and you’ve

done nothing to deserve that. Think again, you’re breathing, breathing & speaking havoc into

everyone’s faces. And if you’ve just smoked or eaten some food high on garlic, having a breath

mint won’t harm you.

  1. Too much perfume: Don’t be so heavy duty on smelling good. That too can repel women.


Heard of a ‘Metrosexual men’? They’re pros in self-care who spend money on their hair &

shoes. But it’s not just the hygiene aspect that’s off-putting to women, certain traits mentioned below do too!

– Dominance

– Blurting cuss words

– Argumentativeness

– Being inconsiderate

– Eyes wandering in the wrong places

– Laziness

– Lateness

– Narcissism

– Fidgeting


We hope these tips make you likeable for women. Try now. (

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7 tips to survive the month end crunch – buy the best deo under 200 and more!

You probably have that look that you have every month end, when you’re searching every nook & corner of your room/wallet for some cash. Admit it, you’re in a money crunch soup and it ain’t smelling good.  If you ask your mum, dad or siblings for a small loan be ready for judgemental looks that say,  “who told you to spend on that 6K luxury perfume, aye?” It might seem harmless if you’re in your 20s but this could be a perpetual problem by the time you’re 30. Prepare for a breath of fresh air, we’ll help you waltz through this monthly crunch like a BOSS!

7 Tips to SURVIVE the month end crunch:

  1. Don’t panic: Think, what do you have (minimal or no money), what do you know? (you can make it!) Sip on some tea/coffee (but not from Starbucks!) and keep calm. Stay optimistic& survive, month end’s here, i.e. pay day’s closer!
  2. Prioritize your expenses: You don’t want to eat at an Uptown café today and starve tomorrow. Hence, prioritize. Follow these steps:

– Count the number of days you have
– Enlist basic expenses like travel, food & any others that fall into essentials
– Evenly distribute money for each respective expense

  1. Avoid trivial expenses: Ask yourself, “Can I live without that Premium Nextflix subscription? Or the Ola Select services?” Yes! So you can temporarily tone down those expenses, use open source softwares & affordable services. Cheer up, it’s just a matter of some days.

    Remember – You might be temporarily poor, but don’t smell poor. People repel “smelly” more than “broke”, so don’t refrain from buying a good perfume / deo. Get the best deodorants for men/women under 200 on Lyla Blanc.(

  1. Be thrifty, but not cheap when it’s about food: If cooking is not an option for you, there’s still a lot of choices to eat. Buy ready to eat foods from a cold storage/store, call Tiffin services, etc. Point is you need good food. Don’t compromise on that or you’ll end up all sick with a big medical bill. (We hope you have a Mediclaim)
  2. Have lots of water: Not gallons, just 2-3 litres per day will be good for you. How does it help? It kills your unwanted hunger spurs. Which means:

No junk food = money saved = slimmer you + happy heftier pocket.

6. Use your 11 No. ki bus: Avoid taking a rickshaw or a breezy cab trip whenever possible. Instead, walk around to reach places close by and lose some calories.

7. Use those discounts & offers: Don’t be too proud, use those Sodexo vouchers, discount offers & coupons for purchases. (Note to self: Next time, don’t throw vouchers into the trash.) Talking about offers, check out a great collection of the best deo under 300 & much more at

7 Tips to AVOID the month end crunch:

  1. Track your expenses: It’s important to know, where does your money fly? Try using an expense management app if you need help.

    2. Have a Mediclaim: It’ll help ensure that you save more as your health-related expenses are covered.

    3. Don’t take credit: Repeat to yourself, “NO TAKING CREDIT”. You’ll have to pay someday, and a lot more!

    4. Pay bills on time & avoid cheque bounces: Fines from late payments & bounced cheques can kill your pocket power.

    5. Cash in on your bad habit: Put 100 bucks into your savings box every time you skip breakfast, swear or indulge in any of your bad habits. This way, you have a go-to place for SOS cash & you don’t need to run to the ATM. You’ll find lots of change! Both, in your habits & your wallet. 😉

Folks, what’s essential is essential, i.e. money management. Try following the thumb rule of 50 / 30 / 20 for your expenses, i.e. 50% for essentials, 30% discretionary items & 20% for savings.

If you can’t follow the norm of 20%, decide on some amount you’d realistically be able to save and maintain as a buffer.


Our work here is done, you can thank us later. J

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12 Tips to Sprite through Summer – Start from the unisex perfume list

Don’t we all envy school kids when its summer, wishing we too could get a 2 month off? If we did, quite a lot of us grown ups would want to probably run to a cold country or hide under an oak tree’s shadow. Ok, so jokes apart, adaptability is a forte when it comes to us humans but we do have our own struggles when the weather changes. And when it’s summer time, it’s more like Lana Del Ray’s “Summer time sadness”! So, are you feeling sad or tired? And did you know that excessive exposure to sunlight can be a cause of depression? Well, we’re here to rescue you! Here’s a set of X things you must try to get through these summer days like a breeze of fresh air. And yes, it begins from the unisex perfume list.

  1. Deodorant / Perfume: Summer equals perspiration which also is a treat for the bacteria on your skin! So if you don’t want to be smelling like a forbidden creature from Loch Ness, use a perfume or a deodorant. You don’t need to be spending lavishly if you’re on a budget. This also gives you the space to get creative & make your impression with some signature fragrance.

    What’s your favourite fragrance? A best selling deodorant Or some fine French perfume that’s rich? And if you’re a super puzzled guy searching the internet for “best deo for men in India” you definitely need help. Find long lasting perfumes for men at Lyla Blanc: (

  1. Water: Literally the best thing on earth! No matter how many large cokes you down or noisily gulp 3 cans of orange juice, nothing can replenish your body like water can. It’s rich in minerals, salts & electrolytes, we suggest you carry at least 1 litre of this magic liquid.
  1. Caps & cotton scarfs: Being “hot” is fine, being hot-headed is not! The 21stCentury is powered with more UV rays than ever, and these hitting your head can result in migraines, dizziness & roughening of the hair. So if you don’t want to look like a ruffled cock when you reach work. We suggest you use a cap or a scarf.
  1. Extra T shirt: Wearing light colors like white, light blue, baby pink (which we suggest baby pink only if you’re as hunky as Hrithik Roshan or Liam Hemsworth) for the summer makes a lot of sense. Given the fact that light colors reflect sunrays & heat, these also help keeping your body temperature cooler. And as you’re also prone to sweat stains (& more) during summer, it’s wise to carry an extra T-shirt.
  1. Phone charger: Summer or not, the phone runs out of juice every day! So yes, when the days are longer, your phone, just like you needs to recharge more often.
  1. Fruits: If your digestive system could speak, it’d probably be crying out loud for the load it faces when you gobble on some greasy snack on the subway. Instead, carry an apple, some grapes, or citrus fruits. The benefits of doing this are:
    Your blood sugar levels are maintained,
    B. Your hunger pangs are satisfied without compromising on your body’s water content
    C. You get glowing skin!
  1. Sun block lotion: You could use sun block or walk around like a roasted duck. Everyone knows the summer sun is harsh and this dear readers needs no explanation.
  1. Lip balm: It’s a myth that you only need lip balm in winter. Lips can get dry either due to cold & dry weathers or even due to hot UV rays. Either way you’re left with chapped & discoloured lips. So carry a lip balm. Plus, it won’t harm to look good & get a few smiles flashed at you. 😉
  1. Medicines, Energy bars & Glucovita: There are times when what’s in your bag can be a lifesaver. So pack required medicines (not your entire medicine shelf though), some energy bars for quick munches when you feel low & Glucovita for those times when you’re about to faint under the scorching sun.
  1. An Umbrella: You can’t wear jackets or cover yourself up completely on a regular basis or you’ll just end up fainting.

P.S. Carry an umbrella that can fit in your bag. Or you’ll just be poking people around, and that’s alright only on Facebook!

Does this remind you of any funny umbrella moments? Drop a comment!

  1. Face wash: You step out of your house decked up for the day & when you reach your office, you look like you’ve just escaped from a battleground. Which face wash do you recommend?
  1. Goggles: Did you know that our eyes are literally the best lenses ever! (They’re even better than a 3 Lakh Rupee DSLR you could buy). Our eyes, God, we don’t appreciate them enough! Stepping out under such bright lights, exposing our precious little lenses to dust & dirt particles is the worst thing we can do. Protect them with a nice pair of Polarized Sunglasses.

And do make sure to get the right pair of sunglasses as per your face shape & personality, or you’ll end up looking like Stevie Wonder (that too an uncool version whose without his talent).

We hope you find these tips helpful. Stay cool this summer! And don’t forget to drop a comment. J

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Two reasons why you should choose a top deodorant brand on your first date night

In everyone’s life, there is a special day and they want to make it memorable. Yes, you guessed it right I am talking about the date night!

Date night is the very special day for everyone, right? It is the only day when you meet and know each other more by spending a pleasant time together. The feeling on the date night is something else. Even though there are only two of you but still, both want to look best. Now looking great is not just enough, you also need to feel special and this can only come when you wear delightful fragrances.

Seize the moment and make it magical

Don’t you want to make your first date night the most memorable and unforgettable one?

Obliviously your answer would be yes. Having dinner in an expensive hotel is definitely one way to dot. But, to make the intimate moment magical, you need something out of this world. Mesmerizing fragrances exactly do that.  If you’re sitting next to your partner and if a weird smell comes around you, will you like it? Definitely no. Therefore, know that a nice perfume or deodorant helps you to spread the pleasant aroma in your surroundings and gives a reason to make your partner be more attracted to you.

To feel confident

Feeling confident is the most important factor in everything. Whether it is an interview, meeting or in this case a date night. Usually, on a date night many of them get nervous as they meet for the first time in plus spend more quality time together.

That’s why you should wear perfume or deodorants which will help you to be confident. The aromatic fragrance surrounding you will surely earn you praises from your partner and make you feel special. It can also be the start of your conversation.

Get ready to fall in love with Lyla Blanc’s delightful fragrances that will make you remembered by your scent. To evoke your feminine side with dynamic scent, the best deodorant under 200 is available at Lyla Blanc. To create an aromatic connection with your partner, get the best deodorant brands for men from the huge collection of fragrances. Buy the best fragrances at the exclusive deodorant price and make safe, secure payments with 100 % purchase protection and grab exclusive offers on best deals at Lyla Blanc.

For more details, visit:

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Do you know fragrance is something through which others can easily recognize you? This is the reason why many use the same perfume for a longer period of time.

Whether he’s a student, employee, or businessman, perfumes always play important role in everyday life. Sometimes people get confused and buy fragrances that smell weird. Therefore, to avoid such issues and to help you out in selecting the right perfume, here are some popular perfume brands that’ll ensure your unique presence.

1. Platinum Men

Excitement and awe factor is what men always wanted in perfumes. Platinum Men’s Perfume is the unique fragrance that will help you create a distinctive presence among everyone. It gives you the perfect blend of sophistication and elegance. For the people who want to feel luxurious and unique through fragrance, then Platinum Men is a right one that can be your signature scent.

2. White Amber Men

If you want to be the limelight of the party, wedding, or prom night then this perfume is the right choice for you. White Amber Men’s perfume helps you evoke the senses which also create an aura of seductive charm. It has the fresh, clean, and manly scents in it which easily make your presence exceptional among everyone.

Find the huge collection of exciting fragrances from best perfume brands for men under 200 at Lyla Blanc.

3. Black velvet Men

To make you more confident and create an image of a successful man, Black velvet Men’s perfume is the best for you. It gives the enchanting and desirable effect of a scent that helps you experience the unthinkable. It would be the right choice when you’re going for an interview, meeting, or office party.

All you need is a deodorant to feel impressive whole day, right?  Create an appearance so sharp at first sight with exclusive Lyla Blanc perfumes. Get extraordinary fragrances that make you feel on top of the world and enjoy every single moment of your daily life. Select the best perfume for men to gain the characteristics that match your personality and help you to define the modern personality in you through fragrance. Buy Perfume for Men from Lyla Blanc, the best online discount perfume shop where you will get exciting combo offers and various discounts.

For more details, visit

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